Smart tools for
smart buildings

The SMART² project in numbers:




Pilot Buildings



About SMART² project

The project Smart Square (Smart Tools for Smart Buildings: Enhancing the intelligence of buildings in Europe), aims to develop and deliver the appropriate tools and applications, which will enable the promotion and establishment of intelligence assessment of buildings in Europe, through buildings Smart Readiness Indicator (SRI) scheme. Smart Square aspires to deliver a cloud based open platform for assessing the intelligence of buildings, available in all 24 EU official languages, considering as well the specificities of the Member States, with a view to maximize synergies with other EU initiatives.


Smart Square will establish an information hub, the SRI Observatory, which will monitor and document developments around the SRI and will inform stakeholders, through regular SRI Outlooks, for the new elements and the progress of the scheme. It will also set up the SRI Virtual Training Centre, an information and training hub for SRI Auditors.

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The third issue of the SMART² Newsletter celebrates the 22nd month of the project, highlighting significant updates and events from the past […]


Smart² Project showcases Innovation at the 9th International Conference on Smart and Sustainable Technologies The Smart² Project proudly participated in the 9th […]

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“Funded by the European Union, under the Grant Agreement Nº 101077241. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.”
