The Smart Square project participated in BEYOND Expo in Thessaloniki, Greece, from the 24th to 26th of May 2023. BEYOND expo is a remarkable international platform that brings together visionaries, thought leaders, and innovators to explore the profound social and economic impact of the revolution in various technological sectors. This year’s main topics were focused around intelligent solutions, sustainable technology, disruptive innovation and inclusive future.
The event was a unique opportunity to exchange views, ideas, and insights with experts from around the world in evolving technology sectors, but also to connect the world of research & innovation with the most influential market players, through the Smart Square project and the innovations supported by the European Commission.
During the exhibition, the Smart Square project team provided insightful information about the project and its ambition to develop and deliver the appropriate tools and applications, which will enable the promotion and establishment of intelligence assessment of buildings in Europe, through buildings Smart Readiness Indicator (SRI) scheme